
Community Wildlife Groups
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There are 10 Community Wildlife Groups, which between them cover most of the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and the north-west of the County.

A map showing the area covered by each can be found here

 For further information about each group, see individual Group pages below.

Plans for 2024

Several groups have planned Annual Meetings in February or March (see  individual group pages).

Bird Group meetings will be held by most groups in March. For further information, see Latest News Below.

All groups undertake bird surveys, mainly to monitor the local Curlew population. There are probably only about 120 breeding pairs left in the whole of Shropshire, so we haven’t got long to save them from location extinction.

All Groups need new helpers please.

A general description of the surveys can be found here

If you want to help, or need more information, please email Leo Smith (

For other activities, please see individual group pages below.

Since 2003

Surveying and protecting declining species

About Us

Wildlife is an important part of our landscape and natural heritage but much of it is disappearing.

Community Wildlife Groups give local people a chance to do something about this by finding and recording wildlife of all types, so that existing populations and habitats can be conserved.

What the groups do

Our mission

We bring together people interested in wildlife, undertake survey work to establish the status of key wildlife species and their habitats, encourage and enhance local interest in wildlife, and actively promote conservation.


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Latest News

Minsterley Meadows Appeal

Minsterley Meadows is a c.13 acre SSSI on the edge of Minsterley, near Shrewsbury. The site is protected for its biodiverse meadow grassland, particularly for its significant population of Green Winged Orchids. Now an exciting community-led campaign is in progress to purchase the site and protect it for decades to come!

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Since 2003

Shropshire’s Community Wildlife Groups

There are 10 Community Wildlife Groups.  More detailed areas of operation can be found on the
individual group pages below.

Please note that the boundary of the Strettons area CWG actually follows parish boundaries, not OS tetrad grid lines like most of the other boundaries, and is therefore very tedious to draw in the mapping software. Also, when it was originally decided, it took no account of the boundaries of adjacent CWGs, and overlaps the eastern part of the Upper Onny area.

The actual SACWG boundary is the original parish-based map + the 30 tetrads covered by the bird survey, but for ease of presentation here the SACWG boundary also follows tetrad grid lines, and it includes all the tetrads that are substantially within the SACWG original area + the bird survey area. Tetrads in the SACWG area that are also in the area of adjacent CWGs are shown in the colour of the latter, but with a small green dot in their centre.

In practical terms there is no duplication or overlap in the activities of the GWGs concerned.

3 Parishes

We cover the parishes of  Gobowen & Selattyn, Weston Rhyn and St. Martins.

Abdon District

Abdon Wildlife Group started up in the spring of 2016. We are a group of local residents who are interested in our area’s natural history.

Camlad Valley

We cover Churchstoke, Hyssington, Priest Weston and Chirbury, so we are partly in England and partly in Wales.

Clee Hill

Centred on the open hill land of Titterstone Clee, Clee Hill Common and Catherton Common, and includes the surrounding land .

Rea Valley

Our area includes Pontesbury, Minsterley, the Stiperstones and the Hope Valley.


We were set up in February 2018 to monitor Lapwing and Curlew. We cover Alberbury, Melverley, Pentre and Westbury.

Strettons Area

We have been active since 2012 helping to record and conserve wildlife in and around the around the Strettons area.

Tanat to Perry

Extending from Oswestry in the north to Kinnerley in the south, and eastward from the Welsh border to Ruyton-XI-Towns: from the Tanat to the Perry. 

Upper Clun

We cover the catchment area of the River Clun west of Clun, including the valleys of the River Unk and the Folly Brook.


Upper Onny

We cover the area between the Long Mynd and the Welsh Border, including the parishes of Ratlinghope, Wentnor, Norbury, Myndtown, More and Lydham. 

With thanks

Thanks to support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery, we have been able to redesign our website and receive training on digital communications. We are very grateful for the support. Thank you.