Minsterley Meadows Appeal

Minsterley Meadows is a c.13 acre (c.5 Ha) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) on the edge of Minsterley. The site is protected for its biodiverse meadow grassland, particularly for its population of Green Winged Orchids; a once widespread orchid in Shropshire...

Get involved with our bird survey!

Last year we found 12 pairs of curlew but no lapwing, you can read the full report HERE. We need more helpers for this years’ survey. Please come along to our Bird Group meeting on 21st March at 7.30pm in Minsterley Parish Hall. Full details HERE. The survey...

Citizen Science Project – Fritillary Butterflies

Please contact Rob Rowe, email rob@robrowe.co.uk as soon as possible if you see any fritillary butterflies, in particular Dark Green Fritillaries or Small Pearl Bordered Fritillaries, in the Stepping Stones area. Any sightings would be welcome, wherever you may come...