Bird Survey

We need more helpers! The Bird Group has been monitoring breeding Lapwing and Curlew in the Rea and Hope valleys and the surrounding area since 2014, as their numbers are rapidly declining. There are now about 10 pairs of Curlew, and a few pairs of Lapwing. We need...

Bird Group Meeting

Rea Valley Community Wildlife Group Bird Group Meeting 16th March 2020 at 7.30pm Minsterley Parish Hall All Are welcome! Come along and get involved with local bird surveys. Rea Valley CWG Bird Group 16 March 2020 Rea Valley...

The Big Dormouse Box Build

On Sunday 26th November, we hosted an event to build dormouse boxes to go up at two local woodland sites. Materials and Instructions were provided. It was a great way for all attendees to find out more about this important protected species and how to help them...