Minsterley Meadows is a c.13 acre (c.5 Ha) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) on the edge of Minsterley. The site is protected for its biodiverse meadow grassland, particularly for its population of Green Winged Orchids; a once widespread orchid in Shropshire which is now found only in a small handful of sites. The site is a particularly important part of the Rea Valley CWG area, showing off how biodiverse our area is! Recently the Minsterley Meadows fields have been up for sale, and now a community-led campaign is hoping to raise funds for their purchase! With an initial goal of £240,000 the fundraising goal is a daunting one but the local community is determined to be successful in the campaign! More details can be found on the Middle Marches Community Land Trust (MMCLT) website. We are currently asked for pledges of support to aid us in the mission of purchasing this incredibly valuable site, home to the largest colony of Green Winged Orchids in Shropshire. Details of how to make a pledge or help us further with the campaign are available on the MMCLT website.