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Bird Group Meeting -18th March 2024

A Bird Group meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 18 March, at the Recreation Rooms, 22A, Clee Hill High Street, to present the results of our work in previous years, and...

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Bird Group Survey 2024

If you enjoy seeing Curlew and Lapwing, and would like to do something to help stop their disappearance from the local countryside, we would like your help, please. We need to...

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Bird Group Survey 2023 Short Report

Bird Group Short Report Oct 2023 Clee Hill Curlew Distribution Map 2023 draft The Curlew results were the most encouraging for some years!!! If you know of any other pairs of...

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Bird Walk – Saturday 8th April 2023

Bird Walk Saturday 8th April 9.30am.  (Leader: Leo Smith) Meet at Cleeton St Mary Church, opposite the entrance. (OS Grid ref. SO611786). A walk around the local pasture fields...

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Bird Group Report 2021

This report (see link below) summarises the tenth year for the Bird Group. The bird survey returned to its usual format, after being disrupted by coronavirus restrictions in...

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