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Clee Hill Short Report 2018

IntroductionThis report describes the work undertaken by the Clee Hill Community Wildlife Group during 2018.Bird Group LAPWING & CURLEW SURVEYand the Save our Curlews...

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Clee Hill Short Report 2014

IntroductionThis report describes the work and highlights of the Clee Hill Community Wildlife Group in 2014, our third year of operation. Several of the projects have been...

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Clee Hill Report 2013

IntroductionThe Clee Hill Community Wildlife Group was launched in 2012 and is in its second year having completed two seasons of survey work.  The Steering Committee which was...

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Clee Hill Report 2012

IntroductionA new project started in October 2011 to support three existing Community Wildlife Groups, and develop three new ones. Clee Hill was selected as a potential area for...

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2012 Bird Group Report

Feb 2012 Curlew, Lapwing & other birds survey 2012 ObjectivesBird Group members were asked to find out where Curlew and Lapwing occur in thebreeding season, record behaviour...

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