shropshire Community Wildlife Groups

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Citizen Science Project – Fritillary Butterflies

Please contact Rob Rowe, email as soon as possible if you see any fritillary butterflies, in particular Dark Green Fritillaries or Small Pearl Bordered Fritillaries, in the Stepping Stones area. Any sightings would be welcome, wherever you may come...

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2022 AGM

Having been prevented by Covid from holding a full AGM last year, we were pleased to be able to return to the Churchstoke Community Hall for this year's AGM. The existing committee agreed to continue for the following year with the exception of Steve Wright, whose...

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Butterfly & Moth Festival 2022 – reminder

This is a reminder that the ‘Our Upland Commons’ project will be a holding a series of Butterfly and Moth events during spring and summer this year on the Long Mynd, Stiperstones and Clee Liberty Common.  Please see the attached leaflet (PDF) for details of the events...

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Restoring Shropshire Verges Project – Talk

A talk by Restoring Shropshire Verges Project will be held on Tuesday 22nd March, All Stretton Village Hall at 19:30.
The speaker, Janet Cobb, is on the Restoring Shropshire Verges Project (RSVP) Board, leading on the restoration of roadside verges across Shropshire.

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Dawn Chorus Walk

Dawn Chorus walk
Time to set your alarms and come and join us for a memorable dawn chorus walk assembling at 5.45 am by the Scout Hut, SY6 6DW, centre of Church Stretton on Wednesday 27th April.

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We need YOU to help with the 2022 Curlew Survey!

There will be a Bird Group meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 22 March at Minsterley Parish Hall. Come along to find out how you can get involved. Leo Smith will be presenting a report of last years survey and explaining the process. Click HERE to download a poster. If you...

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