
Rea Valley WIldlife Group
Find out more
Who we are & What we do

About us

The Rea Valley Community Wildlife Group was set up to help local people help local wildlife. The group provides a chance to learn, and get that little bit closer to some our most fascinating plants and animals.

Participating in the group will provide an opportunity to find out about the distinctive wildlife of the Rea Valley and the surrounding area, and to share your local wildlife knowledge.

You will receive free expert training and a chance to engage in local opportunities to perform valuable conservation work and have fun at the same time.

The group is organised by a committee, some information on the different committee members can be found using the link below.

RVCWG Committee Member Bios


RVCWG have a well established Bird Group and Plant Group. Both involve local people making decisions about what they should do, but the Bird Group  carry out a survey of Curlew, Lapwing, swifts, and perhaps other birds as well.

Contact Us

To join the Rea Valley CWG or to get more information, please contact:

Steve Oates, Rea Valley Community Wildlife Group Secretary Email: reavalleycwg@gmail.com

Follow us on Facebook

Click HERE to join our Group

Area of Interest

The geographical extent of the Rea Valley CWG’s activities is shown on the map below (please click to enlarge) expressed in terms of tetrads (2km x 2 km squares used in surveying many types of wildlife).  The area includes Pontesbury, Minsterley, the Stiperstones and the Hope Valley.

Stay up-to-date

Latest News

Free Event – Verges, Ditches & Hedges

You are invited to a day of inspirational talks about the importance and potential of road verges, hedges and ditches for our county's biodiversity and flood management. The event, organised by the Middle Marches Community Land Trust and sponsored by The Green...

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Shropshire Moth Group at the Bog Friday 22nd July 8.30pm

Why not join us for a trapping night and discover the magic of moths? Learn how to use a moth trap and identify and record local species. Please bring a torch and outdoor clothing/footwear suitable for the prevailing weather conditions. We aim to finish around...

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Swift Survey – Can YOU Help?

Swifts have been placed on the red list of endangered birds, partly due to the renovation of old properties and the building of new houses in areas where they used to nest. They fly thousands of miles from Africa to breed and swifts only stay with us for around 12...

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Anyone who lives or works in the area, or has an interest in its wildlife, and who wants to actively contribute to local knowledge and conservation, is welcome. Membership is free.

Enthusiasm and interest in the area are far more important than specialist knowledge. Group members are assisted by experts in the relevant fields: they provide training to anyone who wants it on such topics as species identification, how to carry out a simple surveys and how to record the results. Survey work is easy and enjoyable, and members will learn new skills.

Activities & Achievements

Annual Reports

A report is issued each year, summarising the activities and accomplishments of the past twelve months and laying out plans for the forthcoming period. You can view a copy by clicking on the links below:

iRecord Reports

RVCWG plan to issue quarterly reports from our iRecord group, showcasing what species are being recorded locally. Results from these reports will hopefully feed into further survey efforts as we seek to fill gaps and target groups.